Sunday, April 20, 2008


“...The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest." Matthew 9:37-38

Pollsters have identified a relatively new sector of American culture called “Nones.” This name comes from their response to the survey question: “What is you religion, if any?”

This group would be the fastest growing religious group in the United States if they were an organized religion. They represent nearly thirty million Americans and one in three “Nones” is less than thirty years of age.

“Nones” comprise a conglomerate of beliefs ranging from spiritualists to atheists. Nearly half “agreed strongly” that God exists, yet many don’t share that conviction. In reference to eternal life, one female said, “I just don’t see the point of planning for something I don’t know exists.”

Although “Nones” reflect an alarming trend of spiritual disconnectedness in America, one analyst noted a positive spin as churches seek to reach them. Ariela Keysar, study director of the American Religious Identification Survey said, “It is more accurate to describe them as unaffiliated than as non-believers.”

Could it be that many of these have not rejected Jesus, but those who say they represent Him?

People aren’t looking for religion, but a personal relationship with God, and that only comes through knowing Christ. There are “Nones” all around you, who not show them the love of Christ and invite them to come to church with you?