Tuesday, May 5, 2009

One, Who Has Been There

“...but to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing; so that also at the revelation of His glory, you may rejoice with exultation.” I Peter 4:13

What so you think of first when you hear the name “The Apostle Peter”?

Peter was a powerful man. If he were born into today’s society, he might still be a fisherman or a football player or a construction worker - certainly someone who muscles his way through life.

Peter was a man of steel, yet he was also a man of great weakness. How much like Peter are we at times? We make great promises but find it difficult at best to fulfill them.

Resistance? It flattens us. Criticism? We will wilt under its heat. Testing? We come up with a failing grade.

Committed? Yes. No doubt about that. But are we able to carry our commitment into practice?

Openly admit your inability and weakness. See yourself for who you are. Only then are you willing to admit the same to God.

Maybe because of Peter’s experience with disappointment and failure, he became one of the great encouragers to those going through the same type of situation.

Read the entire book of I Peter. You will encounter the counsel of a godly man who learned how to respond to the call to commitment.