Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Where is Your Head?

“Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Prov. 22:6

“For as he thinks within himself, so he is. He says to you, ‘Eat and drink!’ But his heart is not with you.” Prov 23:7

Reflect on the following reprint from a church bulletin:

The Twenty-third Channel
“The TV is my shepherd; my spiritual growth shall want. It maketh me to sit down and do nothing for His name’s sake because it requireth all my leisure time. It keepeth me from doing my duty as a Christian because it presenteth so many good shows that I must see.

It restoreth my knowledge of the things of the world and keepeth me from the study of God’s Word. It leadeth me in the paths of failing to attend church and doing nothing in the kingdom of God. Yea, though I live to be a hundred, I shall keep viewing my TV as long as it will work, for it is my closest companion. Its sounds and pictures they comfort me.

It presenteth entertainment before me and keepeth me from doing important things with my family. It fills my head with ideas which differ from those in the Word of God. Surely no good thing will come of my life because of so many wasted hours, and I shall dwell in my remorse and bitter memories forever.”

We become like what we focus on the most. Is it ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox? Or Christ?

Thought for the Day:
The degree of our spiritual vigor will be in direct proportion to the time we spend in God’s Word.