“This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” 1 Timothy 2:3-4
Each age has no end of philosophies, reasonings, and belief systems that are presented as truth. For truth to be substantiated it must meet three unyielding criteria.
Truth must be universal in that it must apply to everyone: African, European, American, and Asian. There can be no cultural distinctions if it is unalterable truth.
It must be uniform in that it must apply to everyone in the same manner. The criteria for applying ultimate truth cannot be differentiated to any degree. It must work equally as well for children as with adults - for the well-educated and the unschooled.
Truth must be unending in that it must be eternally valid. What was true for the fifth-century man must also be truth for the twentieth-century man.
Using those guidelines, there is only one body of truth that can suffice - the Word of Truth, the Bible. It applies to everyone - in the same manner - for every age. Whether one is a conquistador or a computer operator, rich or poor, black or white - the Bible is the truth upon which everyone can build a lasting life. It is the wisdom for salvation, liberated living, and eternal security. Are you building your life on the unalterable, all-sufficient truth of the Bible - or are you following the vain reasonings of man?
“...God may grant them repentance leading to the knowledge of the truth.” 2 Timothy 2:25