Thursday, July 31, 2008

Follow Your Purpose

“...called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28

God asked Elijah, “Why are you here?”

I ask you the same question! Do you think you’re here by accident, or do you believe that God has a purpose for your life?

My friend, you are not here by accident, but by the divine hand of God. He created you to be, and to be used, to glorify Him. You have a purpose.

The question is - “Have you found it and are you following it?”

Author Joseph Campbell often talked about “Following your bliss.” I heard of a bus driver in Chicago who does just that. He sings while he drives. That’s right...sings! And I don’t mean he sings softly to himself, either. He sings so that the whole bus can hear! All day long he drives and sings.

He was once interviewed on Chicago television. He said that he is not actually a bus driver. “I’m a professional singer,” he asserted. “I only drive the bus to get a captive audience every single day.”

His “bliss” is not driving a bus, though that may be a source of enjoyment for some people. His bliss is singing. And the supervisors at the Chicago Transit Authority are perfectly happy about the whole arrangement. You see, people line up to ride his bus. They even let other busses pass by so they can ride with the “singing bus driver.” They love it!

Here is a man who believes he knows why he was put here on earth. For him, it is to make people happy. And the more he sings, the more people he makes happy! He has found a way to align his purpose in living with his occupation. By following his bliss, he is actually living the kind of life he believes he was meant to live.

Not everybody can identify a purpose in life. But when you do, and when you pursue it, you will be living the kind of life you feel you were meant to live. And what’s more, you will be happy.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Why Are You Here?

“...the word of the Lord came to him, and He said to him, ‘What are you doing here, Elijah?’” 1 Kings 19:9

Twice that question was asked of the prophet, and twice his conscience was disturbed by it. The first time he was in his dark cave, and he answered it evasively. Then came storm and earthquake and fire, and in the eery silence that followed Elijah heard the “still small voice,” the voice of conscience, of inner authenticity, and of personal reality. Then he went out and stood in the cave’s entrance. From there he could look out over the world. Again the question came from the Lord, “Why are you here, Elijah?” V 13

Almost as if in a trance, Elijah responded with the same evasive words as before. But immediately the Lord ordered Elijah out on an enterprise of practical service. And Elijah went. In service of God’s purposes Elijah found new meaning and fulfillment.

What happened to Elijah?
He moved out from his mood of self-pity and morbid self-concern. He stopped feeling sorry for himself. In his cave he was like a woman I read about: “She is blessed with a sympathetic disposition, but she wastes it on herself.” Elijah had allowed his sympathies to become poisonously ingrown. The change came when he redirected his sympathies to other persons and their needs.

Truth is, Elijah found life’s deepest meanings not in contemplation, but in commitment. Life presents its meanings and purposes to us not in neat intellectual formulas, but when we engage in the life of service to which or commitments direct us. Albert Schweitzer said that we should all look for places where we can “invest our humanity.”

I find this very suggestive. It gives me a new perspective on the New Testament, particularly the gospels. Much of Jesus’ teaching and activity can be interpreted as exercises in showing persons how they can break out of their dark caves and respond to the great question...“Why are you here?”

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Gay ‘Marriage’ -- continued...

“And, although they know the ordinance of God... they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them.” Romans 1:32

“In claiming for homosexuals the right to marry,” she reasons, the “state also claims for itself the ability to declare what constitutes marriage. . .It transforms marriage from a pre-political obligation into its own creation.”

But as an artificial creation of the state, same-sex “marriage” is “an institution that needs to be coddled... Its very fragility demands a culture in which it is protected.” This means, as Sugrue argues, that “once marriage becomes a statist institution for the sake of consenting adults, the state will increasingly be called upon to protect these unions.”

The need for coddling means the state will use public education for this end, and align itself against churches that refuse to recognize same-sex “marriage.”

So, the state has to use its power against two of society’s civil institutions: the family and the church.

Sugrue is right! We are already seeing the courts go after institutions and people who refuse to recognize the legitimacy of same-sex “marriage” where it is imposed. State-ordered gay “marriage” is an attack, not only on legitimate marriage, but upon religious freedom and the freedom not to have one’s children indoctrinated into alien ideas about marriage.

You need to understand the reasoning here so that we can present this argument in a winsome way to our neighbors. And we better be supporting efforts to pass constitutional amendments and laws defining marriage as one man, and one woman – the issue is up in Florida, Arizona, and California this year. We also need to find out what the presidential candidates want to do, because they will be choosing the next Supreme Court justices who will ultimately decide this issue.

If we do not act, lawsuits against Bible publishers will no longer be a joke, but a despotic reality.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Gay ‘Marriage’ and Soft Despotism -Molly Coddling

"You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination." Leviticus 18:22

"If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act...” Leviticus 20:13

In Michigan, a homosexual man is suing two Christian publishers - Zondervan and Tyndale - for $70 million dollars. Bradley Fowler claims they violated his constitutional rights and caused him “emotional distress” by publishing versions of the Bible that call homosexuality a sin. In my view, Fowler is suing the wrong party, but perhaps he realized he is likely to have difficulty hauling the real author into court.

While the lawsuit may strike us as funny, we ought to take such attacks on Christian teaching seriously -
We are going to see many more of them if same-sex “marriage” is foisted upon us y the courts.

As Seana Sugrue explains in The Meaning of Marriage, edited by Robert George and Jean Bethke Elstain, marriage is a pre-political institution, rooted in biology and moral obligations. Sugrue writes, “The reality of sex differences between men and women, leading to the potential for offspring, is essential to the pre-political foundation of marriage.”

But marriage as a political form of social order, independent of the state, “is precisely what advocates of same-sex ‘marriage’ seek to change,” according to Sugrue. “Marriage rooted in procreation and sexual differences is to be replaced by marriage for the gratification of two consenting adults.”

But unlike traditional marriage, “same-sex ‘marriage’ requires a condition of soft despotism to exist,” Sugrue warns.

Continued tomorrow.....

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Choose Joy

“A joyful heart makes a cheerful face, But when the heart is sad, the spirit is broken.” Proverbs 15:13

Today is Sunday, it is the Lord’s day, it is a good day.

It is the day to meet with and worship the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord who created you, keeps you, blesses you and watches over you. This is the day the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad in it.

Today, before you do anything else, choose to be happy. Start the day by saying “Good Morning, Lord!” Be happy, go to church and really worship Him. Make the right choice.

As someone once said, “You find yourself refreshed by the presence of cheerful people. Why not make an earnest effort to confer that pleasure on others.”

Friday, July 25, 2008

Religious Landscape Survey

“All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.” II Tim. 3:16-17

How do Americans do when it comes to doctrine, truth and beliefs? Read on...
Here are some of the findings from the U.S. Religious Landscape Survey
of the beliefs and practices of adults in the United States:
• 92 percent believe in God
• 79 percent believe in miracles
• 68 percent believe in angels and demons
• 58 percent pray daily (outside of religious services)
• 39 percent attend religious services at least once a week
• 39 percent meditate at least once a week
• 35 percent say they read Scripture at least once a week
• 45 percent say they seldom read Scripture
• 34 percent have experienced or witnessed a divine healing of illness or injury
• 31 percent say their prayers are answered at least once a month
• 19 percent say their prayers are answered at least once a week
• 14 percent cite religious beliefs as the main influence on their political thinking
• More than half of evangelical respondents said many religions can lead to eternal life, despite the central evangelical tenet that Jesus is the sole path to eternity with God.

Now, I ask you - if Jesus is THE way, truth and life, how can there be ANY other way?
God help us if we don’t stand for the truth of His Word.

Peter Lord said years ago, “We practice daily what we believe, all the rest is just religious junk!!”

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Law of Non-Contradiction

“Now as they observed the confidence of Peter and John, and understood that they were uneducated and untrained men, they were marveling, and began to recognize them as having been with Jesus.” Acts 4:13

This applies everywhere...over the water cooler at work, or even in presidential politics. When asked recently in a private meeting with religious leaders whether Jesus was the only way to salvation, Barack Obama reportedly said, “Jesus is the only way for me. I’m not in a position to judge other people.” Was he merely trying not to offend non-Christians? Or could his answer reflect this growing relativism, even among Christians?

The problem is that all religions make mutually exclusive truth claims. Either Jesus is, as He Himself said, “the only way to the Father,” or He is not. What Christians, Muslims, Jews, and Hindus say about the person and work of Jesus Christ cannot be reconciled.

They may all be false, but they cannot all be true.

It’s called the law of goes back to Aristotle:
If proposition A is true, that is, if it conforms to reality - then proposition B, making a contrary claim, cannot be true as well.

We can trace our debased definition of “tolerance” back to French philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau who rejected any distinction between “civil” and “theological intolerance.” Rousseau did not believe that people can “live at peace with those they regard as damned.” He saw Christian truth claims as being intolerant and a prelude to civil strife. Specifically, he wrote, anyone who dared to say “no salvation outside the church” should be driven out of society - precisely what is happening.

Have we been so taken in by our own culture that we have abandoned truth? Christians need to be grounded in our basic beliefs, or we will, indeed, be swept up in the tides of surging relativism.
Do you understand what you’re reading? Come back tomorrow....

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Sweet Land of Tolerance

“Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me.” John 14:6

From Chuck Colson –
“Survey Shows U.S. Religious Tolerance” was the headline of a New York Times article about the Pew Forum’s survey of America’s religious landscape. It found that Americans have a “non-dogmatic approach to faith.” In fact, 70 percent of American’s who claim affiliation to a religious body - including Christians - agreed that “many religions can lead to eternal life.” Nearly the same percentage said that “there’s more than one true way to interpret the teachings of my religion.”

What’s true of faith is also true of morals. Seventy-eight percent say that there are “absolute standards of right and wrong.” But only 29 percent say that they “rely on their religion to delineate these standards.” Instead, more than half of the respondents said that they rely on “practical experience and common sense.” As the Book of Judges put it, “every man did what was right in his own eyes.”

Not surprisingly, the media repeatedly used the word “tolerant” to characterize America’s religious beliefs.

But to be regarded as “tolerant” today no longer means extending “full rights of free speech and free expression” to those of all faiths. Instead, it appears that “tolerance” now requires what journalist Terry Mattingly calls a “certain doctrine of salvation,” that regards all “religious paths” as leading “to the top of the same eternal mountain.”

So, it is not possible anymore to debate religious truth claims respectfully. Instead, the new “tolerance,” which has become our ultimate civic virtue, requires abandoning all truth claims lest we “offend” somebody.

.....continued tomorrow

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Contending for the Faith

“Beloved, while I was making every effort to write you about our common salvation, I felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.” Jude 1:3

I have been saying for years that one of the great problems of the church is that we have raised a generation of doctrinally illiterate Christians. You either know what you believe - or you don't! You're either a missionary or on a mission field! You live by what you believe to be true.

I believe that the Bible is the incarnate, infallible, inspired Word of God, PERIOD.

But where is America? Read on for the next few days:
From the Religion News Service By Adelle M. Banks -

Think you know what Americans believe about religion? Think again.
Seven in 10 Americans who follow one particular faith believe many "religions" can lead to eternal life. Despite the intense attention paid to evangelical and Catholic voters in a high-stakes election year, only half say they pay close attention to politics. And more than a quarter of people who are not affiliated with a faith nevertheless attend religious services at least occasionally.

A new report by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life demonstrates the myriad ways faith in America is more variegated and nuanced than it may appear at first glance.

Researchers for Pew's U.S. Religious Landscape Survey analyzed the religious practices of more than 35,000 US adults and found they are not as dogmatic or isolationist in their beliefs as many might think. Rather, them embrace their own faith while respecting - and sometimes even practicing - aspects of other religions.

"Many religions - maybe even most - can be perceived as having an exclusivity clause: We're right and therefore everybody else is wrong," said John Green, a senior fellow with the Pew Forum.

"What we've found is that many Americans apparently don't invoke the exclusivity clause."

Researchers did not track which other faiths people might say lead to salvation, so a Protestant or Catholic might be thinking of, for example, fellow Christians like the Eastern Orthodox, or non-Christians like Jews or Muslims. Either way, respondents seemed more focused on pragmatism than conversion.

"While Americans may have firm religious commitments, they are unwilling to impose them on other people," Green said. "It may be a kind of attitude that works very well on a practical level in a society that is as diverse religiously as the United States."

Monday, July 21, 2008

The 10 Commandments of Marriage

“...and be subject to one another in the fear of Christ.” Eph 5:21

Marriage is a gift from God, we need to cherish, love, and care for the one that god has given to us. When it comes to marriage instructions and counsel, I believe the best marriage manual is the Word of God.

I say many times, when all else fails, follow the directions (Bible). However, I came across these ten commandments from Gregory Godek, and I think they are pretty good. Enjoy!

1. Thou shalt be committed to thy union.
2. Thou shalt treat your partner as your equal.
3. Thou shalt pepper your communications with common courtesies -
please, thank you - and never take one another for granted.
4. Thou shalt respect they differences and learn from them.
5. Thou shalt act lovingly toward one another.
6. Thou shalt work toward common goals.
7. Thou shalt communicate openly and honestly,
and apologize when thou art wrong.
8. Thou shalt be friends, as well as lovers.
9. Thou shalt not be mean to one another.
10. Thou shalt let your love for each other take priority
over all other priorities,
allowing it to grow stronger as the days grow longer.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Just for Fun

“A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.” Proverbs 17:22

The minister was preoccupied with thoughts of how he was going to ask the congregation to come up with more money than they were expecting for repairs to the church building.

Therefore, he was annoyed to find that the regular organist was sick and a substitute had been brought in at the last minute. The substitute wanted to know what to play.

“Here’s a copy of the service,” he said impatiently. “But you’re have to think of something to play after I make the announcement about the finances.”

During the service, the minister paused and said, “Brothers and Sisters, we are in great difficulty; the roof repairs cost twice as much as we expected, and we need $4,000 more. Any of you who can pledge $100 or more, please stand up.”

At that moment, the substitute organist played “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

And that is how the substitute organist became the permanent organist.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Share Christ

“I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth.” I Cor 3:6

Successful witnessing is simply sharing Christ in the power of the Holy Sprit and leaving the results to God!

Hear me, evangelism isn’t a program - it is a lifestyle.
It is you sharing the good news of what Christ has done in your life.

I hear people say how many people they have won to Christ. Truth is, you have never won anyone to Christ! It is the Lord Jesus who draws people to Himself through your witness.

It is the Holy Spirit who convicts as you share the love of God and the scriptures with them. Truth is, God uses your witness, but it is through you that He draws others.

I hear people say all the time, “I don’t know how to witness.” I say to you, if you’re saved, then tell them what you know. You would be amazed how God can use you if you would just get useable.

No one gets saved by osmosis, but God in His grace, will save if we will go and tell others. Today - ask the Holy Spirit to use you in someone’s life. You will be glad you did!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Good Soil

“And the seed in the good soil, these are the ones who have heard the word in an honest and good heart, and hold it fast, and bear fruit with perseverance.” Luke 8:15

The seed and soil are inseparably linked in nature’s cycle of growth. Good seed must lodge in good soil if there is to be a harvest.

Jesus’ parable of the soil and seed is familiar to most. His message is clear: it is the condition of the soil, not the content of the seed or the actions of the sower, that governs a persons response to the Gospel of Christ.

This should bring a sigh of relief to many fervent evangelicals who wonder why people don’t instantly and enthusiastically embrace Christ as Savior when the Gospel is presented.

There is no need for a guilt trip, burdening yourself with thoughts like, “If only I had remembered that fourth point.” Nor should you run out and enlist in yet another course in evangelism.

The seed, God’s Word, is always good. It is the soil - the person’s heart, personality, will, and emotions - that must be prepared to receive Christ.

God works by His Spirit though people and circumstances to attract men and women to faith in Christ. Evangelism is a process, and sharing your faith is part of the equation. But don’t despair when the feedback is negative. When the conditions are right, faith will blossom.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I’m a What?

“... Just as it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who BRING GLAD TIDINGS OF GOOD THINGS!” Romans 10:15

Glancing over the bulletin as you settle into the pew on Sunday, you notice the sermon topic is ‘missions.’ Privately, you relax a little, anticipating stories of people in faraway places instead of a message of challenge and conviction.

As the pastor begins to speak, you tune out mentally. After all, you are not a missionary. You do not even know any missionaries personally. Why should you even listen?

For a very good reason - Jesus gave the Great Commission to all His children. Matthew 28:18-20

God is the one who convicts and saves and sanctifies, but He calls you to be a part of that process on earth by being a witness for Christ.

Are you being disobedient if you do not leave home to tell others about Jesus? No. God does not call all believers to be traveling missionaries. He wants most of His children to stay at home and be testimonies to those around them.

But if you are a home missionary, you also have the privilege and responsibility of supporting those God has called. As brothers and sisters in the Lord and fellow laborers, they need your daily prayer and encouragement.

The next time someone talks about missions, listen closely. You’re a missionary, too.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

McDonald's Update

"...And, although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them." Romans 1:32

Throwing out any pretense of being neutral in the culture war, McDonald’s has taken up the rhetoric of gay activists, suggesting those who oppose same-sex marriage are motivated by hate.

AFA has asked for a boycott of McDonald’s restaurants because of the company’s promotion of the gay agenda. AFA asked McDonald’s to remain neutral in the culture war. McDonald’s refused.

In response to the boycott, McDonald’s spokesman Bill Whitman suggested to the Washington Post that those who oppose same-sex marriage are motivated by hate, saying "...hatred has no place in our culture." McDonald’s has decided to adopt the "hate" theme used by gay activist groups for years.

Whitman went on to say, "We stand by and support our people to live and work in a society free of discrimination and harassment." Mr. Whitman has intentionally avoided addressing the reason for the boycott.
  • This boycott is not about hiring gays or how gay employees are treated.
  • It is about McDonald’s choosing to put the full weight of their corporation behind promoting their agenda.
McDonald’s donated $20,000 to the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce in exchange for membership and a seat on the group’s board of directors. The NGLCC lobbies Congress in support of same-sex marriage.

McDonald’s CEO Jim Skinner said the company will promote issues they approve. "Being a socially responsible organization is a fundamental part of who we are. We have an obligation to use our size and resources to make a difference in the world...and we do."

Make this note:
This issue is not about equal rights, hate, or discrimination!

It is about what is morally right, about family, and standing up for what the Bible teaches about marriage.

Therefore, being a morally responsible person, I have an obligation to make a difference with my life, my money, and where I will eat.

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Price They Paid

"But the righteous are bold as a lion." Proverbs 28:1

Have you ever wondered what happened to those men who signed the Declaration of Independence? They gave us an independent America ... can we keep it?

What kind of men were they?
24 were lawyers and jurists
11 were merchants
9 were farmers, large plantation owners, men of means, well educated

But, they all signed, knowing full well that the penalty would be death if they were captured! They signed and pledged their lives, fortune and their sacred Honor.

Out of 56 signers:
2 - Became President of the United States
16 - Became Governors
22 - Were not born in the State they represented
5 - Did not sign in August 1776
8 - Were not born in the United States
44 years - Their average 1776
2 - Became Supreme Court Justices
17 - Suffered hardships because of signing the Declaration of Independence.

Always remember this . . . Freedom is never free!
With freedom there always comes responsibility.
Be responsible.
Register and vote!!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Isaiah 1:18-20

"Come now, and let us reason together,"
Says the Lord,
"Though your sins are as scarlet,
They will be as white as snow;
Though they are red like crimson,
They will be like wool.
"If you consent and obey,
You will eat the best of the land;
"But if you refuse and rebel,
You will be devoured by the sword."
Truly, the mouth of the Lord has spoken. Isaiah 1:18-20

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Power Of One Vote

"By the transgression of a land many are its princes, But by a man of understanding and knowledge, so it endures." Proverbs 28:2

"When there is moral rot within a nation, its government topples easily. But with wise and knowledgeable leaders, there is stability." Proverbs 28:2

"A nation will be strong and endure when it has intelligent sensible leaders." Prov 28:2

We need to vote! We need to step up to the plate and be counted.
We need to know that every vote will count and not be dismayed or discouraged.

Remember. . .
One Vote made Adolph Hitler head of the Nazi Party in 1933.
One Vote per neighborhood gave John F. Kennedy victory over Richard Nixon in 1960.
One Vote decided if Americans would speak English or German in 1776.
One Vote made Texas a state in 1845.
One Vote saved Andrew Johnson from impeachment in 1868.

Your One Vote can change history! Register today!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Register to Vote!

“When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, But when a wicked man rules, people groan.” Proverbs 29:2

“Let it be impressed on your mind that God commands you to choose for rulers just men who will rule with the fear of God. The preservation of a republican government depends on the faithful discharge of this duty; if the citizens neglect their duty and place corrupted” - Noah Webster, author of Webster’s Dictionary

“Posterity! You will never know how much it cost the present generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it" - John Quincy Adams

“In free governments, the rulers are the servants, and the people their superiors and sovereigns.” - Benjamin Franklin

“We may look up to Armies for our defense, but virtue is our best security. It is not possible that any state should long remain free where virtue is not supremely honored.” - Samuel Adams

The right to vote is an honor and privilege. Don’t take it for granted!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Rights and the Christian, Part II

"...but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant..." Matthew 20:26

Jesus had quite a lot to say about rights.

When the world tells us we have the right to defend ourselves, Jesus told us to turn the other cheek.

When the world says we have a right to revenge (we candy-coat it by calling it justice), Jesus wants us to bless those who curse us and pray for those who mistreat us.

In contrast to the world proclaiming that "you deserve a break today," Jesus washed the feet of those who should have, by rights, served Him.

The unselfish defense of human rights is a cornerstone of our free society.

The men who gave us our form of government viewed rights, not as something to be demanded for personal gain, but something to be cherished and defended as a sacred trust. They were willing to sacrifice all in order to defended the rights of others. Many paid the ultimate price with their lives.

It’s fashionable these days to speak of sacrifice and honor. But like Beatle-mania and pet rocks, these, too, will fade from the public heart - if they were never really there in the first place.

The rights we enjoy are precious, and they should be defended. But for the Christian, the rights we defend should be someone else’s.

Monday, July 7, 2008

‘Rights’ and the Christian

“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.” Proverbs 14:34

It’s interesting that the first words of the Declaration of Independence are about rights. It begins, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights...”

Today, it is not uncommon to hear someone demand their rights. It’s become a battered axiom, and the contemporary American uses it to indulge in all kinds of selfish pursuits.

We’ve trivialized rights to the point that we think we have a right to “have it our way.” God granted privilege has become an entitlement, so “we deserve a break today.” The right to free speech has become the right to be heard. The right of the press to openly criticize government has become pedophilic license.

But the men who gave us our form of government never envisioned such an egocentric society. If the first words of the Declaration are poignant, the last few words offer an insight into a way of thinking almost unknown today. After listing their grievances against Britain and declaring the colonies free of British rule, a treasonable act punishable by death, all 56 signers affixed their names at the bottom under the final words, “And for the support of this Declaration with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

......continued tomorrow

Sunday, July 6, 2008

John 3:16

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life."

Friday, July 4, 2008

The Step Not Taken

“...leave your offering there before the altar, and go your way; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and present your offering.” Matthew 5:24

“What goes around, comes around.” None of us would argue against the truth of that adage. Yet who among us is ever ready when something does, in fact, come around?

Certainly not “Ellie,” who had a rocky relationship with her boss. In desperation, she bought a book on dealing with difficult people. Soon after that, she walked into her boss’s office and saw the very same book on his desk. He admitted that he bought it to help himself deal with her!

Ellie’s first, and chagrined, thought was that one of them should have initiated a straightforward conversation and skipped the book. Yet life doesn’t work that way, does it? The person we need to deal with to solve our problem is the last one we want to face. That’s why learning to take the first step is vital to making relationships work.

You cannot worship God and be at odds with a brother or sister. Make it right, then come and worship. You will not be free until you do.
As long as your celebrating your independence, why not be totally free?

Thursday, July 3, 2008

A Man of Importance

“...but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it is better for him that a heavy millstone be hung around his neck, and that he be drowned in the depth of the sea.” Matthew 18:6

An anthropologist was doing research on a small island in the South Pacific. He’s become quite friendly with the medicine man from one of the indigenous tribes who’d been assisting him.

“I would like to meet the most important man in your village,” the anthropologist said.

“I will take you to meet him today,” the healer offered. And the two men embarked on a short hike through the rain forest.

They reached a clearing where an old man sat cross-legged in front the a group of children.

“Is that your chief?” the anthropologist asked.

“No,” said the guide. “This man is what you would call a teacher.”

“But I wanted to meet your chief,” said the anthropologist.”

“But you asked to meet the most important man in our tribe.”

Do you pray for teachers? Our children are under their teaching, and they exercise great influence over their minds.

Be involved in your kids’ lives. Know their teachers and pray for God to raise up more Christians who will teach: love, respect, morality, and truth!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Hardest Verse in Scripture

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1

This initial testimony of our faithful Creator stands sublime in its simplicity. There is no definition of God, no description of creation, and no declaration of date. Positive and complete in itself, it yet leaves room for all subsequent development in Scripture and all discovery by Science. It is axiomatic. As geometry is built upon certain axiomatic truths, so the one foundation axiom of the Bible is laid down in its first sentence.

It is fashionable today to profess disbelief in miracles. Accept this first sentence of Scripture, and there will be little difficulty in accepting all the miracles that follow; for the less are included in the greater. Note, also, that in this first, basal pronouncement of Scripture there is a denial of all the principal false philosophies which men have propounded.

“In the beginning God” - that denies Atheism with its doctrine of no God.
“In the beginning God” - that denies Polytheism with it doctrine of many gods.
“In the beginning God created” - that denies Fatalism with its doctrine of chance.
“In the beginning God created” - that denies Evolution with its doctrine of infinite becoming.
“God created heaven and earth” - that denies Pantheism which makes God and the universe identical.
“God created heaven and earth” - that denies Materialism which asserts the eternity of matter.

Thus, the first “testimony” of Jehovah is not only a declaration of Divine truth, but a repudiation of human error.

If you can believe God created the heavens and the earth, you have no problem with any other miracle in Scripture, including raising someone from the dead.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

An Eternal Principle

“And in this case mortal men receive tithes, but in that case one receives them, of whom it is witnessed that he lives on.” Hebrews 7:8

Yesterday, I shared with you that only 5% of Americans tithe. I am always amazed at the excuses Christians give for being disobedient to the to the Word of God.

The one I love to hear is that tithing was under the law, and now we’re under grace.
Not true!
Abraham tithed 400 years before the law - Genesis 14.
Jacob tithed before the law - Genesis 28:22.
The writer, here in Hebrews, is writing to Christians in the world - years after the resurrection - about tithing.

The principle of tithing is an eternal principle. If anything, if we say we’re under grace, we ought to give more. To give less than a tithe is a disgrace to grace.

Luke 6:46 says, “...why do you call Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?”

My challenge to you is to trust God and try it.

Malachi 3:10 goes on to say “‘...test Me now in this,’ says the Lord of hosts, ‘if I will not open for you the windows of heaven, and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows.’”