Monday, July 21, 2008

The 10 Commandments of Marriage

“...and be subject to one another in the fear of Christ.” Eph 5:21

Marriage is a gift from God, we need to cherish, love, and care for the one that god has given to us. When it comes to marriage instructions and counsel, I believe the best marriage manual is the Word of God.

I say many times, when all else fails, follow the directions (Bible). However, I came across these ten commandments from Gregory Godek, and I think they are pretty good. Enjoy!

1. Thou shalt be committed to thy union.
2. Thou shalt treat your partner as your equal.
3. Thou shalt pepper your communications with common courtesies -
please, thank you - and never take one another for granted.
4. Thou shalt respect they differences and learn from them.
5. Thou shalt act lovingly toward one another.
6. Thou shalt work toward common goals.
7. Thou shalt communicate openly and honestly,
and apologize when thou art wrong.
8. Thou shalt be friends, as well as lovers.
9. Thou shalt not be mean to one another.
10. Thou shalt let your love for each other take priority
over all other priorities,
allowing it to grow stronger as the days grow longer.