Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Our Sin, His Grace

“The Law came in so that the transgression would increase; but where sin increased, grace abounded all the more, so that, as sin reigned in death, even so grace would reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 5:20-21

For years she was entangled in an immoral lifestyle. Finally, through a friend she came to know Jesus as her Savior. Several years passed before there was any hint of trouble; then friends discovered she was concealing a deep emotional hurt. Instead of being transparent with God or talking her feelings out with a pastor or counselor, she had allowed anger to fester and infect her emotional well-being. Sin resurfaced; only this time it was far more consuming.

Jesus loves us unconditionally. His grace is sufficient. We can lay all our hurts safely at His feet, knowing He will support and carry us through the difficulties of life. The problem in this woman’s life stemmed from a lack of communication. Out of fear of rejection, she failed to communicate her need to God. Did He know of it? Yes, but He wants us to bring every tear, every heartache to Him in prayer. It is a matter of yielding and loving Him above all else.

The chain reaction from an inner hurt can move quickly from self-pity to feelings of rebellion and then a return to sinful behavior. But God’s grace applied to our lives is a sin blocker. All we need to do is walk in the light of His forgiveness.

Grace should motivate us to gratitude and praise.