Thursday, March 10, 2011

Be a Doer of the Word

“But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves.” James 1:22

James uses the word “dispersed” in verse 1:1 to indicate the plight of early Christians living outside Palestine. God used Nero’s persecution to scatter thousands of believers throughout Asia Minor so the gospel message would continue to grow and spread.

However, instead of carrying the Word of God to new converts, believers became spiritually bogged down by sin. Gossip, selfishness, and the pursuit of material gain caused deep division within the church. Almost overnight their focus had changed from the deeper things of God to envy and strife.

At the center of their problems was a lack of spiritual maturity. They had learned to talk the talk, but failed to walk the Christian walk of faith. We face the same problem. Many go to church, give, even read their Bibles but fail to grow spiritually.

James admonished the early church to be more than mere hearers of the Word; he urged them to be doers of the Word. The formula for personal, spiritual growth is applying God’s truth to every area of your life. Practice this and the seed He plants within your heart will yield a great and mighty harvest.

“Too many Christians mark their Bibles, but their Bibles never mark them.” -Warren Wiersbe