“The crucible is for silver and the furnace for gold, and each is tested by the praise accorded him.” Proverbs 27:21
Everyone likes a pat on the back. An encouraging word from a mate, employer, or friend puts extra fuel into our emotional tanks, lifting our spirits and lightening our load. Yet for some, praise can be a stumbling block, leading to overbearing pride. Praise can be a scriptural test, revealing motives that lie deep within. We can handle praise sensibly and rightly as we employ several practical principles.
First, be direct when kudos come your way. A simple “thank you” is a succinct response that acknowledges the acclamation without false pretense or humility.
Second, deflect the praise to others when appropriate. In most instances your success was made possible by the background efforts of others.
Third, as soon as you have occasion for privacy, be driven to your knees where you graciously thank God for His blessing. He is worthy of all praise and thanksgiving and is the source for your success.
In this manner, praise is handled appropriately. Your work is commended; you acknowledge the help of others; and most importantly, you ascribe credit to Christ, who enables you for every good work.
“Sweet praise is like perfume. It is fine if you don’t swallow it.” -Dwight D. Eisenhower