Saturday, January 12, 2008

Paul's Prayer for the Philippians, Part III

Philippians 1:10a " that you may approve the things that are excellent."

Paul is praying for the maturity of the Philippian believers, he is specifically praying for the depth of their love. He is asking God to deepen their love in real knowledge and all discernment and discriminating love.

The word translated approve, 'dokimazo,' literally means to assay, examine, or test. It is used in reference to testing metals for purity. Paul’s idea is that we should carefully examine things and approve them only if they pass the test. Matters of doctrine are among the things that differ.

Paul was aware, for example, of doctrinal differences in the church at Colossae. He recognized serious cultic errors in the church and exposed them in his letter to the believers there. His epistle to the Colossians was written about the same time as his epistle to the Philippians.

Today cultists have their 'Christ’s,' but they are to be distinguished from our Lord Jesus Christ. We can, we must, love people whose doctrines differ from ours. But the fact that we love the people does not mean that we approve of what they believe, say, or do. Paul’s statement in Philippians 1:10 challenges us to recognize things that differ. The apostle wants us to discriminate not just between good and bad, right and wrong, true and false, he also wants us to discriminate between the good and the best.

The Christian life must be motivated and informed by love. Without love, we are only clanging symbols. This was never intended to be a mamby-pamby,undefined sentimental love. It is the love of Christ, and so it must be a love governed by Biblical principles and exercised with judgement.