Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Paul's Prayer for the Philippians, Part VI

“...having been filled with the fruit of righteousness which comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.” Phil.1:11

In Paul’s prayer for the Philippians he prays for the depth of their love, for devotion to Christ’s character, and for the demonstration of Christ’s life.

This does not refer to internal righteousness, love, joy, peace, and so on – these are the fruits of the Spirit. It refers to what is seen externally. The fruits of righteousness are the fruits which righteousness produces. These are to be seen in the innumerable acts of kindness and service to which every believer in Jesus Christ is called.

There are three kinds of fruit: Attitude fruit (Gal. 5:22), Action fruit and Addition fruit. This is Action fruit. Right attitude lead to right actions, which equals, additions.

A love that is filled with knowledge, discernment and excellence, leads to a life of integrity. Which leads to the fruit of righteousness. And the righteous deeds and attitudes for which Paul prayed come “through Jesus Christ.” Philipians 1:11

Because that is the case, He deserves all the glory, honor, and credit for them. It is God who produces spiritual fruit in the life of the believer. John 15:1-5
The difference between spiritual fruit and human ‘religious activity’ is that the fruit, brings glory to Jesus Christ.

Here’s the question - When people see you doing acts of kindness, whether in speech or actions, do they see you or Jesus living through you?