Sunday, December 28, 2008

All of Him

“For in Him all the fulness of Deity dwells in bodily form, and in Him you have been made complete...” Col 2:9-10

Jesus came so He might reveal the Father to mankind. He said: “He who has seen Me has seen the Father...” John 14:9. In our humanity we cannot physically look upon the image of God and survive. Moses could only look upon a veiled likeness of the glory of God. Elijah pulled his cloak over his face as the shechinah glory of God passed by him.

Yet through the Lord Jesus Christ, we can enter the presence of God and thereby learn His ways and become attuned to His voice. Only through Christ can we truly come to know the Father and His love for us.

Warren Wiersbe writes: “Four hundred years before Christ was born, the Greek philosopher Plato wrote, ‘To find out the Father and Maker of all this universe is a hard task, and when we have found Him, to speak of Him to all men is impossible.’ But Plato was wrong! We can know the Father and Maker of the universe, for Jesus Christ revealed Him to us.”

The exciting news is that we don’t have to wait until we die to know the Father or His Son.

He is alive today through the power of His Word and the Holy Spirit who abides in each believer. All of the Father is ours through Jesus Christ who lives within us.