Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Struggle of Faith

“For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline.” II Timothy 1:7

As your read Numbers, Chapters 13-14, it is definitely a lesson in faith and the tragic consequences of not believing God.

The spies’ report was so negative and discouraging. The Israelites spent the entire night weeping and mourning. The situation seemed hopeless.

Under God’s direction, Moses had led them triumphantly out of Egypt towards their final destination - the Promised Land. But now they were stuck in the desert outside a land filled with menacing giants.

At a critical point in time - the moment of challenge - Israel took their eyes off the Lord and looked only at the obstacles. Because they forgot God’s promise and listened to false information, an entire generation wandered and died in the desert, never even getting a glimpse of the land of milk and honey.

Are you facing a challenge to your faith? Is God calling you to a task that seems unreasonable? Don’t assess the situation by your own limited resources; failure to see things God’s way may cause your to miss His blessing, and others may be hurt. Disobedience is always followed by disappointment and disillusionment.

Remember what God has done for you in the past and trust Him to deal with the impossible. You cannot be defeated when you follow God’s plan in confident faith.