Monday, December 8, 2008

Arguing with the Umpire

“Wherefore it is necessary to be in subjection, not only because of wrath, but also for conscience' sake.” Romans 13:5

Years ago, there was a major league baseball manager by the name of Leo “the Lip” Durocher. He picked up the nickname from newspaper writers who took notice of his brash and bullying conversations with the umpires. On more than one occasion, the umpire would grow weary of this onslaught and put Leo the Lip in his place - off the field and in the shower. His involvement in the game that day was finished.

What kind of respect do you give the “umpire” in your heart? Do you tend to argue the call, going nose-to-nose with the umpire? How often does God send you to the showers?

Notice the first phrase of Col. 3:15, “And let the peace of God rule in your hearts...” Do you let His peace work in your heart?