Friday, December 26, 2008

The Key to Spiritual Freedom

“Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish, but to fulfill.” Matthew 5:17

The religious atmosphere of Jesus’ day was tremendously ridged. Jewish leaders were locked into a false, preconceived mind set over what they thought their Messiah should be.

The sad note was that the Jews were so entrapped by religious tradition and the recorded words of Moses they could not bare the thought of Messiah not adhering to every jot and tittle of Jewish custom. Jesus came as the fulfillment of the Law not the fulfillment of tradition. Every prophecy from the Old Testament was fulfilled in Christ.

The Pharisees were both angered and appalled by Christ’s refusal to place “good works” above a humbled heart before God. They were so worried about their outward appearance that they disregarded their spiritual condition.

We are not saved by righteous acts.
It is true, God does call us to act righteously; but the Pharisees and Scribes had made icons out of the Law and Jewish tradition. When Christ came, He commanded the people to worship God, not the traditions of man. He did not abolish Mosaic Law - He completed it.

The key to spiritual freedom is seeking the purity of a relationship with God first and not the approval or praise of others. Only then will Christ’s life be real to you.