Tuesday, February 17, 2009

This I Know!

“ ...This I know, that God is for me. In God, whose word I praise, In the Lord, whose word I praise, In God I have put my trust, I shall not be afraid.” Psalm 56:9-11

It is easy to lose our spiritual bearings when circumstances seemingly navigate us further into the blackness of despair, deepening our sense of helplessness and heightening our fears and anxieties.

We gradually can become disoriented, losing our sense of God’s care and love, even wondering if He exists. God understands our frailty in these times and provides us with sure and certain guides to uphold us.

You can cling to God’s Word. David, who knew soul-darkness as well as any writer of Scripture, said, “Thy word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105
Each word of Scripture is a light and life-giver.

Elisabeth Elliot wrote in Discipline: The Glad Surrender that “the Bible does not explain everything necessary for our intellectual satisfaction, but it explains everything necessary for our obedience.”

You can count on God’s character and presence. God is ineffably kind, good, merciful, and just, despite appearances to the contrary. He is never against you, but heartily for you and ever with you.

What He began in your life, He will complete, using even times of darkness to strengthen your trust and love for Him.