Thursday, February 26, 2009

Unused Power

“And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit.” Eph. 5:18

A.J. Gordon (former prominent pastor and founder/first president of Gordon College) frequently told the story of an American who, with an Englishman, was viewing Niagra Falls.

Taking the Englishman to the foot of the falls, the American said, “There is the greatest unused power in the world.” “No, no, my friend,” The Englishman replied. “The greatest unused power in the world is the Holy Spirit of the Living God.”

If you are saved today, the question is not - do you have the Holy Spirit? The question is - does the Holy Spirit have you? My heart breaks for many Christians who struggle with the Christian life.

My friend, God wants you to have power, energy, and an abundant life. Today, ask God to fill you with the Holy Spirit.