Sunday, April 5, 2009

A Buried Past

“...and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
John 8:32

On the night in 1838 that Jamaica’s slaves received word that the British Empire had officially outlawed slavery, a group of newly freed men made a mahogany coffin and dug a grave.

Into the coffin, they crowded all the various relics and remnants of their previous bondage and sorrow. They placed the whips, torture irons, branding irons, coarse work clothes, handcuffs, and other objects in the coffin and screwed down the lid.

At the stroke of midnight on the day of emancipation, the coffin was lowered into the grave. Then the whole throng of thousands celebrated their redemption from slavery by singing the Doxology.

Christ has set us free from the chains of sin. When we have accepted Him, we bury the reminders of our former life and praise Him for His miracle of salvation.

So here is my question - If we have been set free, we are forgiven and God remembers our sin no more...How come so many Christians carry the excess baggage of guilt, when Jesus died to set us free?

Today, believe God’s Word and enjoy the new life you have in Christ.