Friday, April 17, 2009

Rebellion or Surrender

"Come now, and let us reason together,"
Says the Lord,
"Though your sins are as scarlet,
They will be as white as snow;
Though they are red like crimson,
They will be like wool.
[19] "If you consent and obey,
You will eat the best of the land;
[20] "But if you refuse and rebel,
You will be devoured by the sword."
Truly, the mouth of the Lord has spoken. Isaiah 1:18-20

The New American Standard Bible subtitles the book of Isaiah as "Rebellion of God's People." Due to their wholesale rebellion against God's plan and leadership, the people of Israel finally came to have a disgust for their relationship with God, becoming instead enemies of God.

But in His patience and forbearance God has called them back to fellowship, to friendship, His words to them are applicable to every child of God today. He says, "Come now, and let us reason together..."

He is calling for a willingness to heal our broken communication and fellowship with Him.

Is it possible today that you have allowed something to separate you from God?
Are you missing that intimate closeness which once marked your life?
Is there a seed of rebellion in your heart which has grown and has deadened your sensitivity to God's insistent call? What holds you back from an unhindered response to God's offer of reconciliation?

How could any one of us consider anything too great a price to pay for a restored relationship with God the Father?

It is either rebellion or surrender. Which depicts your life?