Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Put Out That Fire!

“This is my comfort in my affliction, that Thy word has revived me.”
Psalm 119:50

Driving down the expressway one evening, a commuter suddenly realized that there was a fire in the engine compartment of his car. Smoke and flames were apparent as he slowed and pulled to the side of the road. In a matter of minutes his valued automobile was a pile of wreckage.

It was later discovered that he had a functional fire extinguisher in the trunk but simply forgot about it in the panic of the moment.

How many of us are guilty of not making use of the adequate tools at hand to put out the destructive fires which rage in our lives? I am specifically thinking of the greatest “fire extinguisher” of all - that which has successfully thwarted the everlasting fires of hell itself - the Bible.

It seems rather clear that one of the greatest reasons for the presence of God’s written Word is to communicate to each reader the compassionate and individual, tender care and comfort with which God deeply desires to cover His children.

But is your Bible simply a display piece on a coffee table? Is it covered with dust on a shelf? Is it like the fire extinguisher left in the trunk while the car burned?

His comfort is yours. Read it.