Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Comforter

“Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank my God always concerning you, for the grace of God which was given you in Christ Jesus...” 1 Cor. 1:3-4

Suicide. The rate with which individuals are taking their own lives is increasing. Why? Most authorities on the subject tell us one of the strongest inducements is a feeling of despair. They have no courage with which to face life.

Jesus came to bring hope and to give encouragement to the downtrodden.

For those who are His children, God offers a special gift - an ever present source of comfort in the form of the presence of His Holy Spirit. In fact, Jesus called the Holy Spirit “the Comforter.”

One of the greatest needs of the human heart is the need for hope - hope that things will get better, hope that circumstances won’t always be like they are, hope that a change is on the way. The absence of hope produces an unbearable ache.

No one whispers more hope into the human soul that the soft whisper of “the Comforter.”

Have your circumstances deteriorated to the point where you need a word of hope? Is the load you bear so difficult that you wonder if you will be able to continue another hour? Are you facing an insurmountable mountain with no reserves from which to gain added strength and courage?

Let God’s Comforter, the Holy Spirit, strengthen you for your task.