Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Bedrock Faith

“But the righteous man shall live by faith.” Romans 1:17

“...for we walk by faith, not by sight.” 2 Cor. 5:7

“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you.” Matthew 6:33

The first verse recorded above tells us that we live by faith - that is, it is to be mixed inextricably into our lives, so that without it, we would not be who we are. It influences and colors everything we do, from least to greatest. We are to be creatures of faith.

The second verse adds motion - forward motion. Our faith is not to be a stand-pat fortress: it is to carry us forward, under God’s banner. Unanswered is our question, “Where, Lord?” Simply, “Forward!”’

Though we may have our preferences, and even our plans, God does not divulge our “tomorrows.” And this has been His pattern from the beginning - at least, after our first parents were driven out of Eden. Adam and Eve were not forgotten by God, but their relationship with God was radically altered - and it has remained so with their descendants down through the ages.

Ever since the Fall, man’s tomorrows have been for God to know, and man to speculate on. Why is it so? I believe it is because God has long been looking for men and women who will simply trust their futures to the Lord. Thus it is that Abram and his wife, Sarai, packed up their household and all their belongings and left Haran for an unknown destinations. Many years later, Abram, now Abraham, obediently obeyed God’s command to sacrifice his son, Isaac. He was not to know until the fatal knife stroke was beginning its plunge toward Isaac’s breast that God did not intend for Isaac to die on the crude stone altar on Mount Moriah.

There have been many such blind departures into the unknown - some recorded in the Bible, some told of in later history, but a great many known only to God and individuals called upon to make these new beginnings. God is still seeking men and women who will simply follow where He leads.