Friday, September 18, 2009

Controlling My Emotions

Answer me, O Lord, for Thy lovingkindness is good;
According to the greatness of Thy compassion, turn to me,
And do not hide Thy face from Thy servant,
For I am in distress; answer me quickly.
Oh draw near to my soul and redeem it;
Ransom me because of my enemies!
Thou dost know my reproach and my shame and my dishonor;
All my adversaries are before Thee. Psalm 69:16-19

As you read through the sixty ninth Psalm, it reads like many people’s life –
One day you are feeling wonderful, confident in the Lord and His plans for you. Even small irritations pass you by without much stress.

The next day, however, something happens that clouds your confident view of the future. “Does God really care what’s going on?” you question. Your sense of worth and joy ebb away, and you struggle to get through the day without losing your cool entirely.

Emotions are an essential part of life, but is there a way to keep them balanced and in check? Does your day have to be a roller coaster ride of ups and downs? Absolutely not. As David took his problems before the Lord, his feelings made a turn towards the positive.

He began by saying he was “sunk in deep mire,” but by the end, he asserted in faith, that God is in control and will bless His people. “Answer me, O Lord, for Thy lovingkindness is good; according to the greatness of thy compassion, turn to me.” V 16. In the middle of personal pain, David recognized God’s power.

The Lord offers abundant and consistent comfort – you don’t have to be tossed by every wave of emotion and sink under negative feelings.
Embrace His tender comfort today - He will sustain you through all things.