Friday, December 24, 2010

This Christmas Eve

Here I sit and contemplate
This Christmas Eve, with this year’s fate
I’ve lost my job, no fault of mine
Times are hard, no work to find
And here I sit, each passing day
With household bills I cannot pay
And yet the Lord, true to His Word
Helped me though a friend who’d heard
Then from my class they brought some food
Thank You, Lord, You’ve changed my mood
Then came a deacon to my door
He prayed with me, then gave me more
My bills reduced from six to three
How much more will God bless me?
Forgive me, Lord, for doubting You
As faith grew thin, and anger grew
I’ll do my best by faith to live
And share the best gift I could give
To share my faith is Jesus Christ
The baby born for sacrifice
And trust in You for all the rest
Thank You, Lord, I’m truly blessed!

- John Potter