Monday, February 1, 2010

Gift of Serving

“Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, each of us is to exercise them accordingly: if prophecy, according to the proportion of his faith; if service, in his serving; or he who teaches, in his teaching...” Romans 12:6-7

You may have heard someone say (possibly with a hint of pride), “I have the gift of prophecy!” or “I have the gift of teaching!” But have you ever heard someone boastfully say, “I have the gift of service”? Probably not. But lest we begin to place more value on one gift than another, let us realize right away that each is a unique gift from God, specifically selected for us and given to us by the Holy Spirit.

The second of the seven gifts we are examining (service) can be described as the practical gift to the church. This person deals with the practical needs of those around them. Since so much of their focus is on meeting practical needs, some may feel they are unspiritual. Not so. The sensitivity from which they function is just as supernatural as the motivation of prophecy.

Here is how this person reacts when guided by the Spirit versus self:
Sprit / Flesh
Alert to Needs / Unconscious
Hospitality / Lonely
Generous / Stingy
Joyful / Self-pity
Flexible / Resistant
Available / Self-centered
Endurance / “I quit!”

Here’s a thought -
Those with gifts for “service” need appreciation to confirm a satisfactory and necessary action.