Monday, May 17, 2010

Watch This for Me

“The earth is the LORD'S, and all it contains,
The world, and those who dwell in it.” Psalm 24:1

Have you ever been asked to watch over something valuable that belonged to a relative or close friend? Perhaps you kept your neighbors’ pet while they went on vacation, or your aunt and uncle asked you to baby-sit their newborn for an evening. Or perhaps your son brought you his car to drive while yours was in the shop.

Anytime we are asked to take care of something valuable that belongs to another, our sense of responsibility is heightened dramatically. We tend to keep a watchful eye on the pet. We park the car in the safest parking space, not the most convenient one. And if the baby experiences any signs of illness, we take prompt action. None of us want to let others down when they entrust us with their possessions. And those times when we do blunder, a pit can grow in our stomachs that seems unbearable.

Do you realize that all you have, including your money, is owned by God? Since God made the world and everything in it, all belongs to Him. He asks us to be diligent stewards of what He has given us. The next time you open your wallet or examine your checkbook, remember that God has said to you: “Dear friend, can you take care of this for Me?”