Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Take it to the Bank

“And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.” John 14:3

March 11, 1942, on Corregidor, a sixty-two-year-old Army officer, with his family, secretly slipped away from the Philippines and in a minor miracle made their way down to Australia. Before General MacArthur left the islands, he said, “I will return.” Two-and-a-half years later, October 20, 1944, he stood again on the soil of the Philippines and said, “This is the voice of freedom. People of the Philippines, I have returned.”

Now if you think a man can have that kind of credibility, and if you can appreciate that quality in a man, I’ll tell you that Jesus Christ, the God-Man, has made the same promise far more credible than any human being will ever be. If you wrestle with the truth of Jesus’ return, wrestle no longer. If you accept the historic fact of His ascension, then you have no room to doubt His historic, yet future, return. It will occur.

You can take it to the bank, if He came the first time and went through all he did to save us, He will come again to rejoice with us. You, believer, are a King’s kid. Remember who you are, and live for His soon return.