Tuesday, June 10, 2008

You Are His Temple

“Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own?” I Cor 6:19

The temple Solomon built for the Lord spoke of Jehovah’s magnificence. In the words of his father, King David, the temple would be exceedingly magnificent, famous, and glorious throughout all the lands. And so it was.

With this as background, consider what the New Testament says about God’s temple today.

Under the New Covenant, ushered in by Messiah Jesus, God has established a new intimacy with believers. The Holy Spirit now lives in you. To understand this, it helps to know something of the temple.

It was a building of great beauty and worth. Cyprus wood, fine gold, and precious stones were basic building materials.

When the temple was finished the ark of the covenant was brought into the holy of holies. While the priests were singing and playing instruments, the glory of the Lord in the form of a cloud so filled the house they could no longer stand to minister, neither could they enter. I Kings 8:1-8

In this same way it is the presence of the Spirit of God in you, that makes you to shine on others with something of the glory and victory available in Jesus Christ.

You are His temple, His light in a dark world. Let Him shine through you.