Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Expectation of a Steward

“ is required of stewards that one be found trustworthy.” I Cor 4:2

The Lord does not require that we be successful or that we be resourceful, but that we be faithful! He expects us to be; loyal, trustworthy, and dependable. I know this subject is hard to grasp, especially for some who think they have acquired all their wealth and possessions without the Lord’s help.

I heard of a Pastor who spoke on this topic one Sunday. Following the sermon one of his rich members invited him home for lunch. Following the meal they strolled through the beautiful gardens, looked at the massive barns, and viewed the rolling hills covered with cattle. The member turned to the Pastor and asked, “You mean to tell me that none of this is mine?” The Pastor simply said, “Ask me that question a hundred years from now!”

We are stewards of God. Not because we choose to be, but because God had made us stewards. God is Creator of all and He has placed us in charge. We are responsible and accountable to Him for everything He had entrusted to us. Our conduct reflects our stewardship commitment.

My heart tells me that we are far from what we could or should be. We would be absolutely amazed at what God would do if we would just get obedient. Today the question isn’t whether God has been faithful – It’s, “Am I being faithful?”