Sunday, March 9, 2008

No Time

“Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” Col. 3:16

As we have talked about making the most of our time. This poem by Norma Dennison, written in 1968 says it pretty well...

“No Time” we say to read our Bible and pray -
Did we take time to read the newspaper today?
How can we fill our mind with news so bad -
And leave our Bibles laying there unread?
When packed inside is such good news to relate -
And share with a friend our heavenly estate.
We must open their eyes to see our Christ that they reject -
And see in us a life that reflects,
A Christ that lives in us and reveilles a new birth -
And commissions us to walk daily with Him here on earth.

“No Time” we say to read our Bible and pray -
Will we take time to eat three meals today?
But cannot spare time for spiritual things,
Miss the joy that His word brings.
Oh - let’s fill our souls with spiritual food -
And say, “Forgive us Lord for being so rude.”
Where can our sense of values be -
As we stay to busy to give “Thanks” to Thee?
Each day we live - is a gift from above -
We should express our appreciations and show our love -
And should not act as if we don’t understand -
And expect our God to meet all our demands.

“No Time” we say to read our Bible and pray -
Will we find time to watch T.V. today?
A special show we’ll have to see -
And tune our minds in to everything but Thee.
No wonder we are so confused and dissatisfied -
When is our self-centeredness, our God we’ve denied.
If He seems to ignore us - how we grumble and complain -
as we follow the crowd and the devil’s campaign.
Let’s not covet His time, but use the hours more wisely instead -
And NOT leave our Bibles laying there unread.