Friday, March 28, 2008

Not Independence, but Interdependence

“But now there are many members, but one body.” I Cor 12:20

Paul is writing to the Corinthian church, a church in division and turmoil over Spiritual truth. Chapter 12 is written to emphasize the unity that is needed in the church.

Although there is a diversity of gifts, there must be a unity of the Spirit.

Corinth is being torn apart by division, selfishness, disunity, abuse, immaturity, and an over all lack of love. It’s everybody doing their own things, and to them, Paul is addressing their abuse of Spiritual gifts.

Now with all of the emphasis on me, two attitudes have developed. First, I’m not necessary, I’m not that important! Second, I don’t need anybody, especially you! To all of this, we have looked at verses 1-19. The point is no one can say, “I’m not important.” Which means, It’s not independence, it is interdependence.

Diversity in the body is evidence of the wisdom of God. Each member needs the other members, and no member can afford to become independent. When a part of the human body becomes independent, you have a serious problem that could lead to sickness and even death. In a healthy human body, the various members cooperate with each other and even compensate for each other when a crisis occurs. The instant any part of the body says to any other part, “I don’t need you,” it begins to weaken, die, and create problems for the whole body. It’s not just the exposed parts of the body, but all of the body.

Just as the eye cannot say to the hand, the feet, or the heart, “I have no need of you,” neither can we say to one another, “I have no need of you.”