Monday, March 24, 2008

The Secret to Getting People

"And the master said to the slave...'compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.'" Luke 14:23

Dr Spurgeon was asked, "What is the secret of the great success at Metropolitan Tabernacle in London where you are Pastor?" He said, "I preach the Gospel on Sunday and my people go out and share it all week."

The secret to getting more people into the Kingdom of God is simple.
Luke 14:15-24 gives us the threefold formula for getting more people into the Kingdom:
First - INVITE them
In every way possible, invite them to...hear the the Savior. There is always someone who is just waiting for a Christian friend to invite them to know their Savior.

Second - BRING them
Do not stop short of personally bringing those you invite to hear the good news of the Gospel. How many do YOU bring with you on Sunday as your guest to meet your Savior.

Third - COMPEL them
Let the love of Christ constrain you as you constrain them by persuasion, compassion, and loving concern. Do people really believe you are interested? Do they really believe that you care?

Let us do it God's way and get God's results!

And as you thing about who to ask, remember two very important things -- Eighty-three percent of everyone in church is there because someone invited them to come. Statistics tell us today in our culture over eighty percent of people said, that they would come to church...IF someone asked them -- SO -- Let's ask!!!