Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Varieties of Ministries

“And there are varieties of ministries, and the same Lord.” I Cor 12:5

God gives His gift to be used in a variety of ministries. 'Ministry' is from the same basic Greek term ‘Diakonion’ which means to serve, servant, deacon - one who serves.

Speaking of Himself, Jesus said, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve...” Mark 10:45

Spiritual gifts are not given as badges of privilege, but as tools for ministry. The Lord gives them to His servants so they can serve. He gives them for a limitless variety of services. All gifts are for service, but the types of services are immeasurable. It is critical to understand that spiritual gifts are not given for self edification. Every gift is a helps gift because every gift is a service gift.

The purpose of my gift is service. Jesus says, “For even the Son of man came, not to be ministered unto but to minister” Mark 10:45

Spiritual gifts are not designed as special privileges for the one who has them. My spiritual gift is not for my edification. Now, I could pervert that, I could go into my office, study, write out all the things that I learned, preach a message into my tape recorder, and then turn it on and listen to it by myself. But that would prostitute my gift.

When anyone says, “I have this gift which I exercise only in private,” that is self-edification. I say, “Well, it isn’t a gift that the New Testament teaches, because the gifts are called service, that implies someone else is the object of your gift.”

When the Corinthians perverted the gifts of language for self-edification, it was the same as me going into my office and teaching myself. That is not the intention of the gift, that is the perversion to it. That is why Paul says regarding spiritual gifts, “...seek to abound for the edification of the church.” I Cor 14:12 That is the right intention.

A gift exercised in private is a perverted gift. God gives His gifts to us, but for others. We are personally blessed when we use our gifts in the spiritual power to serve others in His name. But that blessing is the by-product and not the purpose.