Monday, August 11, 2008

No Worries

“Be anxious for nothing...” Phil 4:6

Just how productive is to be a worrywart?

A survey on the subject reports that only 8 percent of all the things that trouble us are actually worth our attention. Health issues - real or imagined - account for 10 percent of our woes. The problems of other people can be attributed to 12 percent of our stress. Things from the past that we can’t let go of make up 30 percent of our angst. And the remaining 40 percent never come to pass. With so many concerns on our minds, it’s a wonder we accomplish anything.

With that in mind, consider the plight of one business leader whose employees brought him into endless meetings to solve endless problems. The employees took the unproductive and futile approach to each difficulty by tirelessly posing “What if” questions - a sure sign of a worrier mentality.

Finally, the executive took action and created a strategic plan to stop his staff from fretting over possible obstacles. During every meeting the team had to follow this four-step process:
1. Identify the problem being faced.
2. Determine the cause of the problem.
3. List all the potential solutions to the problem.
4. Choose the best solution to implement.

The employees adopted this approach wholeheartedly. With specific steps to follow, they no longer fretted about the feasibility or brilliance of their ideas. Their “What if” questions became a means to an end, rather than a stalling mechanism. And they gained the confidence needed to take charge of the toughest situations. With fewer things to worry about, the employees became more productive.

Remember - Worry is like a rocking will give you something to do, but gets you no where. Trust the Lord...He will take care of you!