Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Think on the Right Things, Part III

“Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things.” Phil 4:8

Righteous Things - The term “right” speaks of righteousness.
Our focus is to be in perfect harmony with the eternal, unchanging, divine standard of the holy God revealed in Scripture.

Right thinking is always consistent with God’s absolute holiness.

Pure Things - The term “pure” refers to something morally clean and undefiled. We are to dwell on what is clean, not soiled.

Gracious Things - The Greek term translated “lovely” occurs only here in the New Testament and means “pleasing” or “amiable.”

The implication is we are to focus on whatever is kind or gracious.

Praiseworthy Things - The Greek term translated “good repute” speaks of that which is highly regarded or well thought of, whereas “honorable” predominantly refers to what is reputable in the world at large such as; kindness, courtesy, and respect for others.

Focusing on godly virtues will affect what you decide to see - such as television programs, books, or magazines- and say perhaps to friends or those at work. That’s because your thinking affects your desires and behavior.

So...let your mind dwell, contemplate, meditate and think on these things.

Remember the greatest computer ever designed is between your eyes. For many, there needs to be some re-programing.
Garbage IN - is garbage OUT. Truth IN is truth OUT.

If you will pray right, if you will think right - you will live right. And you won’t worry !!!