Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Religion or Relationship

Jesus said to him, “‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me.’” John 14:6

Most people today consider themselves to be open-minded and flexible. Even when listening to view points other than our own, we try to “meet” other people where they are. However, in certain areas we become downright insistent on a certain opinion. Say for instance that you need a delicate heart operation in order to live. You would never say, “Oh, send me to a dentist,” or “Let a podiatrist look at me.” No - just any doctor will not do. You need a heart specialist, and you probably want the best one you can get!

Suddenly, all other options are insufficient and even dangerous. The same is true in spiritual matters. Mankind has a sin problem, one that separates us eternally from a holy and loving God; and we cannot reconcile ourselves to God by any self-effort.

Jesus Christ says there is one and only one solution - Himself. “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me.” John 14:6

All religions are not equal. All roads do not lead to the same destination.
One philosophy is not just as good as another.

Jesus Christ is the only One who can wipe your wrongdoing away and give you eternal fellowship with God.

Have you opened your heart to Him, or are you inflexible?