Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Worry About Nothing

“Be anxious for nothing...” Phil 4:6

What does it mean to be anxious or to worry?
The Greek word translated “anxious” (careful) in verse 6, means “to be pulled in different direction.” Our hopes pull us in one direction,our fears pull us the opposite direction - and we are pulled apart!

The Old English root word from which we get our word “worry” means “to strangle.” If you have ever really worried, you know it does strangle a person! In fact, worry has definite physical consequences: headaches, neck pains, ulcers, and even back pains. Worry affects our thinking, our digestion, and even our coordination. From a spiritual point of view, worry is wrong thinking (the mind) and wrong feeling (the heart) about circumstances, people, and things.

Worry is the greatest thief of joy. The problem is that is it not enough for us to tell ourselves to “quit worrying,” because that will never capture the thief. Worry is an “inside job,” and it takes more than good intentions to get the victory.

The antidote to worry is the secure mind: Phil 4:7 “And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

When you have the peace of God, your mind is secure because God’s peace guards your heart and your mind. That takes an attitude of faith. Faith is not just believing God can help’s believing that He will help you.

So, how do we strengthen our faith? Tomorrow......