Thursday, August 14, 2008

Pray About Everything

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication..." Phil 4:6

Not just big things - but ‘everything.’
Listen, when you find yourself beginning to worry about something your first action needs to be prayer -
"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness;
and all these things shall be added to you.” .Matthew 6:33

You can fret about it, or you can pray about it. Prayer is the greatest expression of faith there is. It is the way of salvation as well as the way of peace and hope. Romans 10:13

If we can trust God with our eternal security, surely we can trust Him with our daily needs. He will not only save our soul, He will save our life. Remember, God always accepts “knee-mails.”

In Matthew 6:25-34 we are given five arguments against worry:
1. Keeps you from enjoying what you have. V 25
2. Makes you forget your worth. V 26
3. It is completely useless. V 27
4. Erases the promises of God from your heart. V 28-30
5. Characteristic of the lost. V 31,32

The solution - verse 33-34. Seek first God’s kingdom, righteousness, plan and purpose. I must look to Him. I must refuse to entertain worry in my mind.

When you are robbed by worry, it’s always an ‘inside job.’
Take one day at a time.
Two days I never worry about yesterday and tomorrow.