Friday, October 10, 2008

The Family

“Unless the Lord builds the house, They labor in vain who build it.” Psalm 127:1

Dr. James Dobson calls ordinary family living the “straight life.” Which of us could not write at least a paragraph on the “straight life”?

The brakes went out on the Toyota today and the Chevy’s are squealing. The freezer isn’t making ice cubes, but it is making strange noises.

Surely, I am the only person in the world who can fold a load of clothes and have six socks without a match to any of them. The phone rang and I leaped off the ladder, dropping my paint brush in the dirt, only to answer 25 questions about which brands of toiletries I use.

The “straight life” is what made Erma Bombeck a success. Why was she so popular? Because many live what she wrote. Even those who jump the fence, leaving a shattered spouse and children behind, eventually find themselves back in the “straight life.” The “straight life” is ordinary family living.

When done according to God’s prescription, the "straight life" is one of the most rewarding and effective places you can be used by God to reach the world.
When a pastor announced his wife was pregnant with their fourth child, his concern for world over-population was questioned. His reply, “I don’t know about you, but we are raising revolutionaries for Christ!”

Pray today for the family. God intended on families to be the building blocks of our society. Pray for yours and those in your local church.