Sunday, October 5, 2008


“All things are lawful for me, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be mastered by anything.” I Corinthians 6:12

Charles Swindoll writes: I used to bite my fingernails right down to the quick. I’d bite them off just as soon as the first signs of new growth would appear. Research has shown that it takes only about three or four weeks for an activity to become a habit.

That is wonderfully comforting if it’s a good habit we’re trying to promote, like more prayer or Bible study. But for most of us it’s the destructive habits, like my nail-biting, that get a hold on us until we are enslaved - mastered and manipulated by the beast of the habit. We become a living contradiction of the liberating truth of I Corinthians 6:12 “All things are lawful for me, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be mastered by anything.”

You can’t believe the fire of conviction this verse once set ablaze within me. A close look reveals that this isn’t a verse talking about something lawless or wicked, but something that is actually lawful, but not profitable. My first encounter with this verse was not my final encounter with this painful habit. But it was certainly a turning point toward change, thank God.

The backwash of this nail-biting testimony has far-reaching effects. Not a person who read this is completely free from bad habits, whether lawless or lawful. It’s the price we pay for being human. Habits are as numerous as every detail of life; the list is endless. But let’s focus on five suggestions that will help us blend I Corinthians 6:12 into our lives.

Stop rationalizing. Refuse to make comments like : “Oh, that’s just me. I’m just like that - always have been, always will be. After all, nobody’s perfect.” Such excuses take the edge off disobedience and encourage you to diminish or completely ignore the Spirit’s work of conviction.

Apply strategy. Approach your target with a rifle, not a shotgun. Take on each habit one at a time, not all at once.

Be realistic. It won’t happen fast. It won’t be easy. Nor will your resolve be permanent or overnight. Periodic failures, however, are still better than habitual slavery.

Be encouraged. Realize you’re on the road to ultimate triumph, for the first time in years! Enthusiasm strengthens self-discipline and prompts and attitude of stick-to-it-iveness.

Start today. This is the best moment thus far in your life. To put it off is an admission of defeat and will only intensify and prolong the self-confidence battle.

Extracting the hurtful thorns of habit enables the pilgrim to focus less attention on himself and more attention on the One who is worthy.

And the most exciting thought of all is, that He will be right there in the morning ready to help you through the day with all the power you will need, one moment at a time.