Monday, February 25, 2008

I’m A What?

“It is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.” I Cor. 4:2

Stewardship is an important teaching, prominent through out the Bible, it’s basic elements are found in Jesus’ parable of the faithful and unfaithful stewards in Luke 12:42-48.

Stewardship is to the biblical message, as yeast is to bread, it provides lift and action. And yet there are always those who think, we shouldn’t talk about money/stewardship.

I like what R. G. Lee wrote, “Some people say that we preachers talk too much about money. But notice that the three subjects about which Christ spoke most- wealth, hypocrisy, and the kingdom of God. Also that three of the Ten Commandments deal with money, that 16 of the 38 parables in the New Testament deal with money and stewardship, that one verse of every six in the Gospels deal with stewardship.
The great question is not, “How much do we give?” But rather, “How much do we keep for ourselves?”

Stewardship is important because like it or not, it’s what we are. While most of the time, people equate it to ‘just money,' it is far more than that.