Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Our Responsibility to Government

“I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority...” I Tim 2:1,2

Because they are ordained by God, we must honor the authorities.
We should pray for them, I Timothy 2:1-4. We should pay what we owe, Mark 12:13-17. We should live in obedience, I Peter 2:13-17.

We owe obedience, but not blind obedience. Paul used his citizenship to object to injustice, Acts16:35-39;22:24-29. The apostles understood Christians sometimes should disobey civil authorities when their mandates contradict the laws of God, Acts 5:29.

We are to participate in, and influence the government.

John E. Scott - “What then, is the biblical basis for social concern, and why should Christians get involved? In the end there are only two possible attitudes which Christians can adopt towards the world,‘escape’and ‘engagement.’

‘Escape’ means turning our backs on the world in rejection, washing our hands of it and steeling our hearts against its agonized cries for help. In contrast ‘engagement’ means turning our faces towards the world in compassion, getting our hands dirty, sore, and worn in its service. And feeling deep within us, the stirring of the love which cannot be contained, if we truly love our neighbors. And because of their worth the desire to serve them. We shall be concerned for their total welfare, the well-being of their soul, their body and their community. And our concern will lead to practical programs.”

So the question is, "Are you engaged in our culture, or are you trying to escape it?" We are the salt and light, God expects us to be involved.