Friday, May 2, 2008

Give To Receive

"In everything I showed you that by working hard in this manner you must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'" Acts 20:35

Many leaders step into their leadership roles at a time of triumph in their lives, getting that big promotion or starting a new business. But for writer and editor Rita Weinstein of Seattle, becoming a leader grew out of a nightmare, losing a job she loved and was doing well at.

One Friday, Weinstein received a bonus and a raise for stellar performance. The following Monday she was laid off. Angry yet determined, she started a job search at once. But, driven by more than anger, she wanted to make something positive from having her life upended, so she began to volunteer at a local food bank.

Here Weinstein’s energy and communication skills soon gave her leadership opportunities in sharing ideas and organizing people. She’s now on the board at the food bank. And, as she says, she’s also “made new friends, learned about my community, and found new ways to feel productive and valuable.”

Weinstein’s now deeply interested in a leadership career with a nonprofit organization and has started a certification program toward that goal.

From her point of view, sharing means receiving: “When you give of yourself, you receive in greater measure.”

Are you giving yourself away? Try it - you’ll find out it works.