Friday, May 9, 2008

Let's Get Out There !

"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light to my path." Psm 119:105

Too many Christians attend church week after week soaking up preaching from the Word of God. Few people take time to read their Bible on a daily basis, and even fewer learn to live out what they have learned. It is pitiful. Like over-soaked sponges, we return to the watering hole for more and more spiritual food while the world starves to death looking for the truth. We hoard what we get from the Lord and fail to share the wealth of knowledge and insight we have gained from years and years of exploring the most popular book in America.

It is time we dust off our Bibles, come out from behind the most popular book in America and put our love into action. Baptists are a people of the Book, by the Book and for the Book. The Bible is our authority and guide for Christian life. Unfortunately, all too often, we are content to draw spiritual nourishment from yet another Bible study, huddled in our comfortable small group. While failing to be doers of the Word.