Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Led By The Spirit

“For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.” Romans 8:14

Understanding God’s will is not as difficult as we might think. The problem often could be attributed to a misconception of what it is to learn the will of God.

Total reliance upon the Spirit of God is biblical, but not when it excludes the knowledge and practice of God’s will revealed in His written Word.

God has given us many objective statements concerning His will. It is within the context of His revealed will, that you can know additional guidance from Him.

A married man meets a young lady who is not his wife. Both are Christians. They fall in love and all he can say is, “I feel closer to God now that I have met her. It must be God’s will.”

Your junk detector tells you this man is rationalizing, telling himself “rational lies.” The Holy Spirit never leads contrary to the written Word and the Bible deplores adultery.

In the context of Romans 8, those who are led by the Spirit are avoiding known sins. They are not pathfinders establishing a new morality.

Is there a particular area in which you need guidance from God? He has promised to lead you in righteousness.

First, search the Scriptures trusting His Holy Spirit Who is the illuminator of the Bible. Rightly related to Him, God can speak to your heart all you need to know to please Him.