Friday, May 23, 2008


“And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper...” Romans 1:28

In light of the Supreme Court case in California last week in regards to marriage, I thought this was a very interesting excerpt from the Manchester Guardian, September, 1968.

Paris, September 15 – “Within the next two decades, life on our planet will be showing the first signs of succumbing to industrial pollution. The atmosphere will become unbreathable for men and animals; all life will cease in rivers and lakes; plants will wither from poisoning.

This frightening opinion has emerged from the Inter-Governmental Conference of Experts on the Scientific Bases for Rational Utilization and Conservation of Biospheric Resources which has the most prolix title ever given to a UNESCO symposium, but something extremely terse and telling to say.

Natural sources, like minerals, are being swiftly depleted. Other natural products that renew themselves, such as forests, have not been given time to regrow. As cities spread in a monstrous fashion, the problem of refuse inherent in urban life attains the size of an insoluble problem. Carbon dioxide and all the hosts of airborne industrial wastes are fouling the atmosphere and poisoning fresh water. In the last twenty years the whole process has been accelerating at a crazy speed.

But the growth of pollution has not been confined to the natural and material realms; it is much more serious in the moral and spiritual realms. Violence, murder, crime, immorality, and dishonesty - indeed, every form of sin - have polluted the atmosphere of souls since the Fall of man.”