Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth.” Proverbs 27:1

Don’t put off till tomorrow, what you could have or should have done today.

It was on October 8, 1871, D.L. Moody addressed the largest congregation he had ever addressed in Chicago. His text was “What shall I do then with Jesus who is called Christ?” Concluding, he gave the congregation this advice: “I wish you would take this text home with you and turn it over in your minds, and next Sunday we shall come to calvary and the Cross, and decide what to do with Jesus of Nazareth.” Ira D. Sankey sang the closing hymn.

Then the clang of fire-bells was heard. The great fire of Chicago laid Moody’s hall in ashes and over 1,000 people perished, some of them among his audience. Moody said it was the greatest mistake he ever made - telling his hearers to postpone their decision till the following Sunday.

Today is the day you have. What do you need to do today? It’s the best day you have. Do you need to make a phone call, write a letter, share with a friend? Do you need to receive Christ, or be obedient to do something God has called you to do? Scripture says, “Today if you hear His voice, harden not your hearts.” Heb 4:7