Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Finding God’s Direction

“Now may our God and Father Himself and Jesus our Lord direct our way to you.” I Thessalonians 3:11

“Be as sure of God’s leading out of a situation as you were of His leading you into it.” These words of counsel from a Bible teacher form a helpful rule by which to sort through confusing circumstances.

Finding God’s direction is not always easy. Even the Apostle Paul, on occasion, made plans, only to have them changed by the Spirit of God.

Because Paul’s plans were sometimes discarded, does not mean he was walking in the flesh. The proof would be that he continued to seek God’s guidance and when he received it, he yielded his plans - to God’s.

God did not provide Paul with all knowledge of the future. Like us, Paul set goals and hoped and prayed toward their accomplishment. “Now may our God and Father Himself and Jesus our Lord direct our way to you.” I Thessalonians 3:11

Paul helped to establish the church at Thessalonica, and desired to return there to witness their progress. As Paul wrote this prayer, his attempts to visit them had been thwarted. Paul did not give up hope of seeing them or lose interest in their spiritual well being however.

Even as Paul prayed, he recognized his total dependence upon God.

As you pray today for those things you hope to accomplish for God, do it with a deep awareness of your total dependence upon Him.