Wednesday, September 17, 2008

To Be Saved Means...

“...And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved.” Acts 2:47

We looked yesterday at what it means to be lost. What does it mean to be saved?

To be saved means:
1. To trust Christ as Savior.
2. To be forgiven.
3. To be no longer condemned.
4. To be in a right relationship with God.
5. To be born again.
6. To be a new creation.
7. To be a child of God.
8. To be free indeed.
9. To be a disciple of Christ.
10. To have a life of peace.
11. To be assured of eternal life.

Now I want to ask you a question - name one thing you are dong in your church, week after week that you can’t do better in Heaven?
There is only one - That’s win a sinner to Christ.

Folks, we are the church. We are commanded to ‘Go’ to the lost. We are empowered to GO to the lost. And yet, 92% of all believers have never led anyone to Christ.

Jesus was in the people business, and he didn’t go to the religious folks... He went to the lost folks. Jesus didn’t condemn the lost; He loved the lost.

“People don’t care how much we know. Until they first know how much we care.” – Chuck Swindoll

Christians hide behind: Being busy, being righteous, being tired, being different.
But they don’t tell people about Christ.